TAG Security resources

Here you will find some assets used by the members of the TAG Security in their activities. This page contains the following resources:


All the graphical resources used in the documents created by the TAG can be found in this section of the website. You will find the TAG’s logos in different formats and colors and will also find information about the color palette used by the TAG.


At the landscape section you will be able to find information related to the CNCF Landscape evaluation performed by the TAG Security. There’s information about the process used to review it as well as some of the definitions created by the working group.

Project Resources

Part of the TAG’s work is to assess Open Source projects on journey through the CNCF promotion process. In this section you will find the templates used by the projects to start their security evaluation.

Provenance Implementation

Here you will find the TAG’s recommendation for the projects documentation of the Supply Chain Security decision aiming user engagement. There’s also an example of how Argo CD organizes their documents.

Security Fuzzing Handbook

Another security resource used by the open source projects is the Fuzzing tool, which enables the finding of security and reliability issues in software. This tools helps finding vulnerabilities in software, which might be exploited by attackers as the solution goes through.

Security Lexicon

To help the understanding of security-related subjects the Cloud Native Security Lexicon is a creation of the TAG Security to standardize the terminologies commonly used in projects.

Security Whitepaper

The Cloud Native Security Whitepaper is a document created by the TAG Security which provides information about the creation of secure cloud native capabilities.

Use Case Personas

This section provides a definition of common personas involved in Cloud Native projects. This will help the creation and definition of architectures and documents that aim a specific public.